Old Testament Trailers

My Year 9 class has spent the last few weeks of the term looking at the unit ‘Old Testament Selected Texts’. As part of our work in this unit we created our own movie trailers for different sections of the Old Testament. Here is one on ‘The Prophets’. The team asked if they could include Jesus despite the unit being on the Old Testament due to the lack of interesting online footage of Old Testament prophets.

We did not have much time on the unit but this was a great way to finish off the year.

Old Testament Exploration

Task 2: Understanding Faith

Let’s look at little more closely at stories and how they contribute to the way the Bible was put together. Go to the Understanding Faith link above.

Read through the first page of this section. We will not worry about completing the activities just reflect on the questions posed here before moving to the interactive on Memory Meter. Complete this and post a screenshot of the completed activity to your blog.

Page 2 has a great diagram of all the aspects of our own personal stories. Take a screenshot of this and post to your blog. Now think about your story and how this diagram applies to you. For each section briefly outline what things you could include from each in your story. Post a brief summary to your blog.

Go to Page 5 and read through the various truths we associate with the Bible. Complete the interactive at the bottom of the page and post a screenshot to your blog.

Finally go to Page 6 and read through the passage on Jesus of Nazareth. Complete the activity ‘Who is Jesus’ and post a screenshot of the completed work to your blog.

Task 3: Understanding Faith

We will review the writing styles of the New Testament. Go to the above link to access Understanding Faith. Read through the first page and then complete both interactives on Literary Genres. Upon completion capture a screenshot of the activity and upload to your blog. Do the same for the next page completing both interactives on New Testament Genres and post completed screenshots to your blog.

Task 4: Heroes of the Bible

Go to the above link and we will examine some of the Prophets from the Old Testament.

In this section there are a number of interactives that help you understand more about the prophets. Complete them in this order:

At the completion of each interactive take a screenshot and post to your blog under the heading for that activity.

1. Read through Page 1 and complete the activity ‘Have You Ever’.

2. Read through Page 2 and complete both interactives.

3. Page 4 read through information about Isaiah and complete the activity.

4. Page 5 read through and complete the activity on Jeremiah.

5. Page 6 read through and complete the activity on Amos.

6. Page 7 read through and complete the activity on Micah.


Old Testament Selected Texts

The Old Testament is all about the Hebrew people and their relationship with God. From Genesis through to the end of the Old Testament the stories are filled with covenants and broken promises. The Old Testament is the journey of God’s chosen people. It teaches them about life and about what God wants from them.

In a recent unit we looked at the various literary forms in the Bible. Now we are going to take a closer look at some of the specific books in the Old Testament.

Our first task will be to create a trailer using iMovie. You might like to look at the start of Ch 3 of your KWL text to get some ideas. You can choose any of the following themes as the basis for your trailer. To find out a little of who is involved in each section check out P 43-5 of your text.

There are a number of Old Testament trailers available online to mix and match to suit the different sections.

Old Testament:The Pentateuch
Old Testament:The Historical Books
Old Testament: The Prophets
Old Testament: The Wisdom Books
Old Testament: The Revelations
Old Testament: The Covenants

Here is an example of what you might create.

In your trailer preview what that particular aspect of the Bible is about and who the main characters are. I will assign different sections to different teams.



Good v Evil Blog Update

As we come to the end of this unit these are the items that should be on your blog:

The overview of the Old Testament structure.
Review of the Good v Evil trailers.

Then in this order:

1. Your movie trailer on Good v Evil
2. Sodom and Gomorrah Recount
3. Judas Iscariot reflection
4. Cain and Abel reflection
5. Herod the Great and Herodias reflection
6. Abimelech and Jephthah reflection
7. The Top 10 Evil People in the Bible.
8. Physical Evil Post
9. ISIS Moral Evil Post
10. Images of Good and Evil Post

Top 10 Evil People in the Bible

These are the scripture references for each of the people highlighted in our short presentation.

Using the scripture references find out a little of why each of these made this Top 10 list and rank them in your own order based on what you find out. From this information rank them according to your thoughts.

10. Herod Antipas
Luke 13:31-33

9. Herodias
Mark 6:22-25

8. Cain
Genesis 4:1-8

7. Jehoram of Judah
2 Paralipomenon 21:4

6. Abimelchk
Judges 9:1-5

5. Lot and Gabriel
Judges 19:1-29

4. Jezebel
4 Kings 9:32-35

3. Jephthah
Judges 11:36-39

2. Herod the Great
Matthew 2:16-18

1. Judas Iscariot
Acts 1:16-19

Physical Evil

I will be showing you a selection of examples of physical evils that exist in our world.

Your task for this lesson is to find you own examples of physical evil. After each example you are to comment on how this evil has impacted on the lives of those affected.

Find five different examples of an occurrence of a physical evil that has occurred in Australia. Post an image or embed a video followed by your brief outline of what happened and how it affected the community.

Images of Good and Evil

In this unit we will look at some of the most uplifting and some of the most depressing aspects of human nature.

To begin with go to your blogs and create a new post entitled, ‘The Definition of Evil’.

There are two types of evil, physical evil which is the evil caused by natural phenomena such as bush fires or earthquakes and moral evil or sin which results from the freely chosen acts by people.

In this post include the following:

1. Your own definition of evil making sure you include definitions for physical and moral evil.

2. An image of an example of physical and moral evil.

3. Your interpretation of the statement, ‘Evil is the absence or distortion of good’.

The focus for our moral evil or sin will be the rise of the terrorist organisation known as ‘ISIL’ or ‘ISIS’. You will spend the remainder of this period looking into the background of this organisation and gathering some basic information about the group.

Include this information in this post.



Literary Forms in New Testament Texts

For our final session on this topic please go to your KWL text and find Chapter 2. Copy and paste these questions into your final blog post for this unit. Make the title of your post, ‘Literary Forms in the New Testament’.

1. How many books are there in the Old Testament?

2. What is the Pentateuch?

3. What does the term ‘Canon’ refer to?

4. When and where was the list of books for the Old Testament decided upon?

5. What are the four Gospels of the New Testament?

6. When were they officially recognised as authentic accounts of the life of Christ?

7. How many books are in the New Testament?

8. What is the difference between a ‘Gospel’ and an ‘Epistle’?

9. The Bible is often referred to as ‘the inspired word of God’. What does this mean?

10. There are 6 different kinds of truths when we talk about the Bible. List them and briefly explain what each means.

11. On P37 of your text is a table that shows when exactly the different books of the Old Testament were written. Take a screenshot and insert it in this post.

12. On P40 of your text is another table outlining when the books of the New Testament were written. Take a screenshot and insert it in this post.

Term 3 Blog Check

These are the posts that should be on your blog from the most recent. If you have not completed these then you will need to have your blog up to date by the start of Term 4.

The Book of Revelation will be today’s post and from there your blog should have the following activities in order.

1. The Prophets
This is an overview of the Prophets in the Old Testament. Who were the main prophets and what role did they play in the story of the Hebrews. We watched a cartoon version of The Prophets which looked at Isaiah.

2. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
This is a recount of the cartoon we watched in class. As a ‘Historical’ story also explain the difference between what we know as historical events and what a ‘historical story’ in the Bible is.

3. KWL Review: Biblical Fundamentalism questions from text

4. Creation Truths and Aboriginal Myths
Using the analysis questions from KWL we looked at the Creation story and what it tells us about our faith. We looked at ‘Myths’ and how they fit into the story of the Hebrew people. We then looked at an Aboriginal Myth and used the same questions to identify what it tells the Aboriginal people about their spirituality. You had to find your own Bible Myth and use the questions to complete your own analysis.

5. GLOGSTER showing different ways we communicate. This task required you to complete a Glog identifying all the ways we get information in our modern lives. You were to use one story as your basis for showing the many different forms of digital media that captured the story. The Glog should then have been embedded on your blog. If you were unable to do this then a screenshot should be done instead.

6. Reflection about the persecution of Christians in Iraq.
This was a short reflection based on what was happening to Christians in Iraq following the takeover of areas by ISIS.

7. Your Oral Task presentation.
This is simply embedding or linking your oral presentation to your blog. The video can be set to private as long as it is shared with me.

8. Growth of the Early Catholic Church in Australia.
This was a short report on how the Church developed in the early colony. We looked at Caroline Chisolm and her work here. About 200 words.

9. Understanding Faith: The Beginnings of the Australian Catholic Church.
This was an activity taken directly from Understanding Faith. The section is in Stage 4: IN SEARCH OF AN AUSTRALIAN IDENTITY. There was an interactive on P2 to complete. Screenshot of the completed activity should be on your blog.

10. Understanding Faith: The Early Priests in the Colony.
This activity is located in Understanding Faith in the same section and is Part Two. Again there is an interactive to complete and a screenshot needs to be posted to your blog.

11. Understanding Faith: Life in the Early Colony for Catholics.
The video associated with this is located in Understanding Faith. Part 1 Page 2 of the section Being Catholic in the New Colony. We watched the video and posted a short reflection on what life was like for those early settlers.

12. Mary Mackillop video of her Minecraft world.
The video should be embedded on your site NOT just a link.

13. Short reflection on the life of Mary Mackillop after we watched a video on the early part of her life.

14. Short reflection on the History of Catholic Church in Australia from a presentation we watched in class.

Your Mary website should also be complete. Please refer to the blog post on this blog to make sure you have what is required.